Global Children’s Day
March 18, 2023
World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk
May 27, 2023
Children’s Sabbath
July 22, 2023
End It Now
August 26, 2023
Creation Sabbath
October 28, 2023
World Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Day
November 18, 2023
Global Children’s Day
March 19, 2022
World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk
May 28, 2022
Children’s Sabbath
July 23, 2022
End It Now
August 27, 2022
Creation Sabbath
October 22, 2022
World Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Day
November 19, 2022
28 May 2022
World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk
This is a special day of prayer scheduled annually on the last Sabbath of May.
Thousands of children around the world are at risk. Many face abuse, neglect, trafficking to other countries, hurt and much more. Children at risk need to be protected and helped so that they can use their God-given talents to their fullest. They need our prayers.
Let’s empower the children, teenagers, old and young in our churches to pray for these at-risk children. Involve children in prayer as they learn to focus on ways to relieve the plight of these children at risk.
Each year a special prayer package is developed by the VIVA organization that organizes a special prayer weekend for children at risk. This resource includes activity ideas, worship and prayer events for children, teenagers, and adults. It is also translated into many languages and can be downloaded from their website at
Click here to view our partner VIVA resources for this day. There are many things you can use for this day and also resources available in different languages.
23 July 2022
Children’s Sabbath
This is the day as a Church we celebrate children specially. This Sabbath is a fantastic opportunity for your church to make a special effort to involve your children in creating intergenerational connections and memory events. Help your kids participate and serve in church through serving. More ideas will be posted closer to the time. In the mean time contact us with any of your questions.
27 August 2022
End it Now!

Abuse prevention and ending violence involves not only women, but also children, youth, families, and men. End it Now emphasis day will involve not just Women’s and Family Ministries but also the collaboration of Children’s Ministries, Health and Ministerial. Within the SPD we engage the Discipleship Ministries Team to call for an End to Violence especially towards all Children and Women. For more information and resources for this day please click here.