What to do about COVID-19 and how to talk to kids about it.

To be sent to your room or to be isolated from one’s friends or extended family may feel like a punishment for some children and in this time of self-isolation because of Covid-19, it could be beneficial to explore with your children why isolation is important and how it actually can help the community.

Firstly, look at the Bible and consider the number of Bible characters that were in a position of isolation, either self- imposed or forced upon them, I just did a quick run through of characters I knew and came up with around 12 names. Wow, that’s a whole lot of isolation happening amongst 66 books of the Bible.
It’s interesting to note that after a brief period of isolation the individual or families came out of their season of isolation, strengthened and somewhat resolute with what had to be done.
Look at Daniel in the lion’s den…he came out and went on to bigger and greater things…

Please find below some resources and useful links for churches, parents and families on how to talk to kids about COVID-19 and some fun ideas for what to do if you are in quarantine at home. Please note there are different translations if you would like to share with your church and family

How to talk to kids about COVID-19 Infographic

Available in English, French, Fijian, Tok Pisin/Pidgin and Samoan – Click here to download.

Stuck inside?

Click here to download our family tick list of fun activities to do if you, your family or friends are in quarantine because of the virus.

Stuck @ Home?

Click here to download a daily and sabbath schedule for doing if you are quarantined or self isolating at home.

Spanish resources from Inter America Division

Spanish -Coronavirus Resource

Useful websites

childmin.org – North American Division Children’s Ministries Website

www.sdadata.org – NAD Resources for Churches and Ministries going digital

Museum tours –  Virtual tours of museums around the world

HealthDirect – Corona Virus in pictures

Mums at The Table – parenting website

Don’t forget to check out our resources- click here.