- Greater Sydney Big Camp 2024Primary Division Program For more Big Camp information click here.
- World Orphans & Vulnerable Children’s DayThe World Orphans & Vulnerable Children’s Day will be on November 19.
- Jasper Canyon VBS KitGod treasures each one of us! At this VBS kids will have fun discovering the important treasures Jesus has given each one of them. Five days of Christ-centered activities will help them dig into the Bible to find out how uniquely special they really are!
- Teaching the Faith: An Essential Guide for Building Faith-Shaped KidsRemember your childhood? Well, forget it! It’s different now. Life is busier. Families are more fractured. Innocence gone. You’re fighting media pressure. Moral vacuum. Reading’s out. See and do is in. Everything’s changed except the need to teach kids to love God.
- From Orphan to Missionary‘Restore a Child’ released this book to raise awareness and funds that benefit children in need. By purchasing this resource you will be donating to their cause.
- Michael Asks WhyMichael wandered into the kitchen where Mom was chopping carrots. She smiled as he parked on a stool next to her. “I’ve been thinking,” he began. With those three words, Michael starts a life-changing discussion with his mother that opens his young mind to the issues behind the war of all wars.
- Steps to Christ Activity Book & CDThe Steps to Christ Activity Book is based on the book Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White. Each chapter includes a summary of the original chapter’s content, several activities to help the young reader grasp the main ideas and the ‘sheet music’ for a song. (Accompaniment CD sold separately
- 2022 Children’s SabbathChildren’s Sabbath is a day set aside by churches all over the world for the purpose of highlighting and affirming the gift and gifts of children in our midst. It is a day set aside to celebrate children as active participants in the life of the church. Children can serve as worship leaders throughout the… Read more: 2022 Children’s Sabbath
- War & ConflictVIVA Chief Executive Mark Stavers reports: It is heartbreaking to see how children continue to be affected by the war in Ukraine. After one month of the conflict, half of the country’s child population has been displaced, UNICEF said last week. This estimated 4.3 million children includes more than 1.8 million children who have crossed into neighbouring countries as refugees, and 2.5 million who are now internally displaced inside Ukraine.
- Children & TraumaHere are some more very helpful resources form the Child Mind Institute for helping children deal with trauma. They are in 11 languages
- While seasons change, our Gardener is ever present.Over the last few months I’ve been blessed to take a few moments to pause underneath our apple tree. To see the transformation of the winter branches, to see the beautiful blossoms and hear the bees buzzing excitedly and the songs of birds as they visit and explore the leaf-covered branches. It’s provided time for… Read more: While seasons change, our Gardener is ever present.
- We Need to Create Online Content for FamiliesNote of the editors: We are experiencing the second wave of Covid-19 with all the restrictions and limitations we already dealt with earlier this year. Many of our churches are probably closed, and we are faced with the challenge of dropping attention to Online events that might not be considered as relevant. The following article… Read more: We Need to Create Online Content for Families
- Weak TiesOne way of thinking about relationships is in terms of strong ties (family and close friends) vs. weak ties (casual acquaintances). As an introvert, I’ve always valued strong ties, but since the pandemic I’ve also come to recognise the unique value of weak ties – you know, the person you bump into on your way… Read more: Weak Ties
- Children are a gift from the LordIn Psalms 127:3 we read there that ‘Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.’ Have you ever felt like returning the gift? I mean it’s all well and good to receive gifts from the Lord, however, have there been any times in your child rearing seasons, when you have… Read more: Children are a gift from the Lord
- 21 ways to have an amazing COVID-19 sabbath at your houseThe first church (home) comes in to its own right now. You parents are the best faith transmitters on the planet. Let’s make COVID-19 Sabbaths memorable for your family. Light some candles… open Sabbath and let’s get this show on the road. Here are 21 ways to have an amazing COVID-19 sabbath at your house.… Read more: 21 ways to have an amazing COVID-19 sabbath at your house
- Family is the best schoolA group of teamwork trainees was asked to build a tower of toy blocks. The construction could be of any shape and height. It was very quickly that well-meaning people began to get nervous, quarrel, and make claims against each other. The idea was originally to find out how well they could work together. Family… Read more: Family is the best school
- King’s Kids from around the world!
- Kids Talents for JesusEmergence of the Department The 1995 General Conference session at Ultrecht marks a watershed for children’s ministries. On July 4, 1995, A. H. Tolhurst proposed a motion from the floor that the Children’s Ministries Department be established as a separate ministry, a separate department of the church. It was seconded and voted, and children’s ministries… Read more: Kids Talents for Jesus
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